
Monday, 12 October 2020

Immersion Assembly Recount T4

 Immersion Assembly Recount

WALT: recount a personal experience using correct sentence punctuation and sentences which make sense to the reader.

PLANNING: You now have 5 minutes to add the keywords to your plan.  Do not write any sentences in the boxes below. 

Orientation (Introduction): How will you hook the reader?

Who?Today is monday and we had our first Assembly.And our whole school got back in the hall again.

What? We  got to look at term videos of art for our korero Art Alive and our class  is learning about European Maori.

Where?We are going to be doing art on friday for my class learning the work on our chromebooks.

When?Our class is doing art on  fridays so we  get to have  fun.

BODY: Describe what happened.

Paragraph 2 (3-4 sentences)

School Theme for Term 4: Art Alive 

Team 1: They were learning about colours and other stuff of art.

Team 2:Team 2  they learnt about shapes and colours.

Team 3 :They learnt about the rainbow and also  colours

Team 5:?

How did each of these teams share their inquiry topic?Good.

Paragraph 3 (3-4 sentences)

Team 4 Inquiry Topic:

How did the Team 4 teachers share this?

Paragraph 4 (3-4 sentences)

Write about your favourite item from assembly.

Conclusion (Summary)

What do you want to/hope to learn about?

What do you think about the new term theme overall?

Is this different to how you felt before the assembly?

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Leonora,
    I loved the bright colors on you picture and I really love the writing font, it would be better if you would add more writing and making it in real life
    Yours Sincerely,


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