
Monday, 3 August 2020

My Belgium Adventure

Monday 3rd August

Dear Diary, i am on an adventure to Belgium with my friend we went to because it was very famous with food and this is the food.Outside the country, Belgium is best known for its chocolate, waffles, fries and beer. 

Though Belgium has many distinctive national dishes, many internationally popular foods like hamburgers and spaghetti bolognese are also popular in Belgium, and most of what Belgians eat is also eaten in neighbouring countries.

Breakfast in Belgium is Breakfast usually consists of bread and cheese, such as sliced Gouda, jam and honey. Children often eat sandwiches with Nutella or the type of cream cheese sold in the USA as "Laughing Cow".

Some people think Belgium is not a safe country but Belgium is generally a safe place for travel, however there is a bit of crime here and there. Find out how to stay safe while traveling with these tips. In Belgium, crime rates tend to be higher in the bigger cities than in rural areas, but serious crime in Brussels is low.


Some people think Belgium is poor but Belgium IS rich. It ranks around position 20 in the richest countries lists, which means 90% of the world's countries are poorer than us. According to a 2018 survey Belgians had an estimated 262 billion euros on saving accounts.

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