
Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Tues: Writing

 Nanaimo Bars

Parrant’s Pantry is back! This time, she has made a special treat from Canada -

Nanaimo Bars. Miss Parrant has made this special treat using a recipe.

Would you like to make it? Maybe someone from your family or one of

your friends would like to make these.


Write down the recipe using the video. When writing the recipe, make

sure to include how much of the ingredient is needed. Make sure you

also write down step-by-step what needs to be done when making

this delicious bar.

Ingredients:½ a cup of butter ¼ cup of sugar ⅓ cup of coco powder

1 egg 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence 200 grams of graham crackers

1 cup of shredded coconut ½ a cup of chopped almonds put in

square tray and pat it down then put it in the refrigerator 

Top layer: ½ a cup of butter ¼ cup of sugar ⅓ cup of coco powder

1 egg 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence 200 grams of graham crackers

1 cup of shredded coconut ½ a cup of chopped almonds put in

square tray and pat it down then put it in the refrigerator 

Middle layer: 55g of butter mix in two tablespoons of custard powder.

mix in 2 cups of icing sugar.Mix in ½ tsp vanilla essence mix in 2-3

tablespoons of milk.Mix in beater until smooth.Then put on the top

layer that was setting in the fridge and take out to  spread all the

middle layer on the top layer.Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Bottom layer: 115g of chocolate and 14 g of butter then mix over

a hot boiling pot of water until smoothly mixed after that take the

top layer and the middle layer out of the refrigerator and poor the

bottom layer on top and spread all around the tray.Then refrigerate

for 15 minutes take out of fridge and cut and enjoy.

How to make it:

  1. Top layer: ½ a cup of butter ¼ cup of sugar ⅓ cup of coco

  2. powder 1 egg 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence 200 grams of

  3. graham crackers 1 cup of shredded coconut ½ a cup of

  4. chopped almonds put in square tray and pat it down then

  5. put it in the refrigerator 

  1. Middle layer:55g of butter mix in two tablespoons of custard powder.

  2. mix in 2 cups of icing sugar.Mix in ½ tsp vanilla essence mixin 2-3

  3. tablespoons of milk.Mix in beater until smooth.Then put on the top

  4. layer that was setting in the fridge and take out to  spread all the

  5. middle layer on the top layer.Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

  1. Bottom layer:115g of chocolate and 14 g of butter then mix over a

  2. hot boiling pot of water until smoothly mixed after that take the top

  3. layer and the middle layer out of the refrigerator and poor the bottom

  4. layer on top and spread all around the tray.Then refrigerate for 15

  5. minutes take out of fridge and cut and enjoy.

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